我的世界IOS手机版各种优化正在进行中,本次优化的内容有减少区块渲染距离的问题,当你打开Minecraft时,如果有其他APP在后台挂着,将会减少Minecraft的可用内存大小,所以会减少区块渲染距离。 资讯详情: Chupacaubrey:Minecraft iOS Protip: Having other apps open when you open MC will reduce the amount of RAM available to it, reducing the draw distance. Chupac...
Chupacaubrey:Minecraft iOS Protip: Having other apps open when you open MC will reduce the amount of RAM available to it, reducing the draw distance.
Chupacaubrey:Minecraft IOS版小贴士:当你打开Minecraft时,如果有其他APP在后台挂着,将会减少Minecraft的可用内存大小,所以会减少区块渲染距离。
Chupacaubrey:We are working on optimizing this as much as we can, but the more features we add, the more memory MC needs to run and not crash. So FYI!