Dinnerbone: Just found a sore spot in entity rendering that was introduced in 1.9, should hopefully free up a chunk of FPS for those on older machines.
Dinnerbone: 刚刚找到了1.9中引入的新实体渲染方法中的问题,这应该能在旧的电脑上提升不少FPS。
Dinnerbone: The team system in Minecraft PC is so far away from how I originally wanted it, it makes me a little sad. I can't team mobs together.
Dinnerbone: Minecraft PC的队伍系统已经远离我原本想要的效果太多了,这使得我有点伤心。我不能将生物组队。
Dinnerbone: But it's become a key thing that I can't really change it, as the design and concept itself would need an overhaul. I don't know what to do.
Dinnerbone: 但是它已经成为了一样关键的东西,我不能真正地改变它,但同时队伍系统的设计和概念本身需要大修。我不知道应该做什么。