MC-137441 - progress.working shows on entering world
MC-137441 - progress.working在加载世界时出现
MC-140930 - Hat layer on player heads is offset
MC-140930 - 玩家头部的帽子层出现偏移
MC-141901 - Unlit campfires still hurt players that stand on them
MC-141901 - 没有点着的营火依然会伤害站上去的玩家
MC-142091 - Campfire deals damage to entities that are not touching it
MC-142091 - 营火会对没有接触到的实体造成伤害
MC-142231 - Scaffolding does not show on maps
MC-142231 - 脚手架不会出现在地图上
MC-142458 - Unlit campfire texture partially missing
MC-142458 - 没有点着的营火缺少粒子贴图
MC-142486 - When you use /summon command with a wrong entity ID, you will summon a pig
MC-142486 - 使用/summon命令时填写错误的实体ID时,会召唤出一只猪
MC-142528 - Commands using @e[type=] on chat have broken autofilling
MC-142528 - 在聊天栏使用@e[type=]的命令补全失效了
MC-142567 - Replacing lava with campfire creates unlit campfire
MC-142567 - 用营火替换熔岩会产生未点燃的营火
MC-142568 - Pushing a level 7 compost will make it not able to compost their contents
MC-142568 - 推动等级7的堆肥会使得其无法再发酵内容物
MC-142608 - Lightning doesn't appear
MC-142608 - 闪电不会出现
MC-142621 - "Invalid book tag" is not translatable
MC-142621 - 语句"Invalid book tag"无法翻译
MC-142698 - Locking maps can duplicate them
MC-142698 - 锁定地图会导致复制bug
MC-142762 - When you have a full inventory, taking the book from the lectern deletes the book
MC-142762 - 如果物品栏满了,从讲台上拿取书会把书删除
MC-142763 - Clicking recipes in Blast Furnace and Smoker deletes output
MC-142763 - 在高炉和烟熏机上点击配方会删除产出物
MC-142766 - Clicking a recipe in blast furnace/smoker returns fuel to inventory and resets cook progress
MC-142766 - 在高炉和烟熏机上点击配方将燃料退回物品栏,重置烧炼进程